Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Thanks sistahs......

Finally, I came out of my shell. I have been pretty busy lately..... work, home, kids school and so busy correcting my Msc. thesis.....
I have also been nominated for the sisterhood award by these my lovely sistahs in the blogland.
Faye Lewis:
Sew passionista
Thank you all so much for your thoughts, I really appreciate it.
Now to the award rule:
I hereby nominate all the sistahs and brothers in blogland for this award .
"What's the good of news if you haven't a sister to share it? ~Jenny DeVries".
Thank you all for stopping by my blog and leaving encouraging comments all the time.
In another news
I made few things some weeks ago, which I will be reviewing later. I guess I just need some time to clear my head. Thank you all.....
~ Aminat

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